The CLO Journal
The CLO Talks
Podcast 8 : How to survive in this age of Digital Disruptions

Podcast 8 : How to survive in this age of Digital Disruptions

Learn how to find your NEW Competitive Advantage and not only survive but lead in this tsunami of digital disruptions.

In the last episode, we learnt about Corporate L&D, what it consists of and I hope you have also given the test and found out “How mature your existing L&D is”.

Our goal now will be to make it better.

In this episode, We will find out how to survive in this age of Digital Disruptions. We will zoom out and look at your business from the top and learn how to find your NEW Competitive Advantage and not only survive but lead in this tsunami of digital disruptions.

After the successful launch of our Newsletter “The CLO Journal” with 2100+ subscribers, we are delighted to launch this Podcast “The CLO Talks”.

Both the Newsletter as well as Podcast will help you to use Learning for REAL Business outcomes. It will enable you to reposition your L&D like R&D and scale up your business using Learning Funnels.

The newsletter will cover the ‘Theory’ part and will be ‘Formal’ and ‘Process’ focused.

The Podcast will cover the ‘Practical’ part, will be ‘Casual’ and ‘People’ focused.

Do SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW BOTH at the channels of your choice. 

We are available on all major Newsletters & Podcast Distributors : 

Find ALL the relevant links at this SINGLE Link :

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The CLO Journal
The CLO Talks
The Chief Learning Officers' Journal : How to reposition your L&D like R&D and scale up your business with Learning Funnels